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InterPore 2024 Held Successfully in Qingdao

From May 13 to 16, the 16th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Porous Media (InterPore 2024), co-sponsored by China University of Petroleum (East China) and the International Society for Porous Media (InterPore), was successfully held in Qingdao. Professor Yao Jun and Professor Yang Yongfei served as the chairmen of the organizing committee, and all members of the Research Center of Multiphase Flow in Porous Media participated in the organization of the meeting. With the theme of “Porous Media and Biology”, the annual meeting attracted more than 850 experts, scholars, and researchers from all over the world (including over 300 foreign scholars from over 40 countries) to discuss the latest developments in porous media.

The annual meeting is diverse and rich in content, covering the meeting report, invited report, chapter report, poster exhibition, as well as on-site and online exchange. It included 24 sub-venues, more than 400 scholars made academic reports, and more than 230 academic posters were exhibited. The participants deeply discussed the theory, application, and advanced technology of porous media in energy, environment, biology, agriculture, materials science, etc. They comprehensively demonstrated the breadth and depth of porous media research, providing an academic feast for the participants.

Professor Karsten Thopmson, President of the InterPore, presented Professor Jun Yao with the InterPore Medal in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the development of porous media technology and academic exchanges in China and internationally. This is the fourth scholar in the world to be awarded the medal by InterPore since its establishment, and Professor Yao Jun has become the first scholar in China to receive the honor.

During the annual meeting, Prof. Majid Hassanizadeh from Utrecht University, Prof. Martin Blunt from Imperial College London, and Prof. Wang Moran from Tsinghua University held two-day meeting courses for the delegates in UPC. The committee organized more than 100 participants to visit the relevant laboratories in our university.

Translated: Jiang Shaofei

Reviewed: Xu Xiaoyan

Updated: 2024-05-20

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