Yang Tao, an academician of the Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences, an applied chemistry alumnus of UPC in 1991, was awarded the highest honor award by the Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences in 2023, as the first non-Norwegian academician to receive the award in the history. Torbjørn Digernes, president of the Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences, presented the award to Yang Tao at a ceremony in Stavanger on April 26.

Yang Tao, graduated from UPC with a bachelor’s degree in applied chemistry in 1991, is now a senior technical expert and chief engineer of Equinor (formerly Statoil ASA), a Norwegian energy giant. He has been involved in reservoir engineering for years and has developed groundbreaking real-time reservoir fluid identification technology which has solved the industry challenges of oil and gas identification during drilling. The technology has significantly increased efficiency while dramatically reducing carbon dioxide emissions. And Yang Tao has won the SPE North Sea Reservoir Engineering Award, SPE Distinguished Technical Editor Award, SPE Distinguished Member Award, Alfred Lothar Wegener Award of EAGE, and the Best Data Management and Application Solution Award at the 2022 World Oil Awards.
The highest honor award of the Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences was established in 2008 to reward experts and scholars for their contributions to the breakthrough technologies development. Only 1% of the Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences members have received it.
Translated: Jiang Shaofei
Reviewed: Xu Xiaoyan