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School of Economics and Management of UPC Endorsed by BGA Accreditation

On March 2nd, UPC received a letter of congratulations from the Association of MBAs (AMBA) & Business Graduates Association (BGA) for the BGA accreditation of the School of Economics and Management of UPC. And UPC became the first BGA accredited university in Shandong province.

From December 14 to 16, 2022, BGA international certification expert group visited the School of Economics and Management online.During the visit, the group conducted a comprehensive evaluation of the school according to the BGA certification standard, and collected the comments and opinions from the school’s professional teachers, alumni, employers, student representatives and other stakeholders, highly affirmed the progress and contribution of the school in scientific research, talent training and social services. At the same time, constructive suggestions were put forward for future development and improvement of the school.

accreditation online

Since its certification in 2019, the School of Economics and Management of UPC has always adhered to the concept of “promoting construction by evaluation”, taking the international certification of business education as the starting point, and focused on promoting the conformal development and internationalization of the school.The endorsement of the BGA marks that the school has won international recognition, which is of great significance to the construction of a high-level school of management with distinctive international characteristics.

Translated: Jiang Shaofei

Reviewed: Xu Xiaoyan


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