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Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology Investigated the Construction of Qingdao Institute of Software

On April 8, 2022, Bian Cheng, Secretary of the Leading Party Group and Director of Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, came to China University of Petroleum (East China) (UPC) to investigate the construction of Qingdao Institute of Software. UPC President Hao Fang had a discussion with the guests. The two sides exchanged views on the construction of Qingdao Institute of Software and Software Ecological Valley. They hoped to implement the construction plan as soon as possible, explore new school running modes, and strive to realize the integration between city and university, university and university, industry and education, science and education as well as integration between different disciplines, to make greater contributions to the economic and social development of Qingdao and the West Coast of Qingdao New District.

Pang Shanchen, Executive Dean of Qingdao Institute of Software and Dean of College of Computer Science and Technology, reported on the construction of Qingdao Institute of Software and Software Ecological Valley from different aspects such as school profile, project approval, construction plan, social contribution, support appeal, policy reference etc. and proposed that the overall goal of Qingdao Institute of software is to build a national characterized model software institute which is distinctive, domestic first-class, innovative and open. Through the joint construction of Qingdao Municipal Government, UPC and other three related companies and groups, a new model of integrated development of politics, industry, university, research and application will be created to form aninterdependent and win-win software industry ecological community.

Bian Cheng pointed out that Qingdao Municipal Government attaches great importance to the software information industry development and the education of relevant talents. As a national characterized model software institute, Qingdao Institute of Software will play a key role in building Qingdao into the “Industrial Internet Capital of the World”. He also referred to the hope that UPC will take advantage of the professional advantages of energy, chemistry and materials, implement the high-level education of innovative talents in software information industry, build an incubation base for scientific and technological achievements, and combine industry, university, research with application, to energize the development of digital economy in Qingdao.

Hao Fang pointed out that UPC is facing the dual challenges of accelerating the construction of Guzhenkou campus and a new round of “Double First-Class” construction at present. He hopes that QingdaoGovernmentand the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology will increase their support to the university and give support in personnel, policies, funds, platform constructionsand scientific research projects. The university will try the best to build Qingdao Institute of Software and make greater contributions to the economic and social development of Qingdao and the West Coast of Qingdao New District.

Translated: Jiang Shaofei

Reviewed: Xu Xiaoyan


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