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ICEF 2020 Co-hosted by UPC

The International Conference on Energy Finance 2020 (ICEF 2020) was held during October 24 and 25. The Conference was co-hosted by School of Economics and Management of China University of Petroleum (East China) (hereafter as UPC), Chinese Society of Optimization, Overall Planning and Economic Mathematics (CSOOPEM),andChina Energy Finance Alliance. More than 400 experts and scholars from over 70 institutions including Tsinghua University, Zhejiang University, Xiamen University, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and Asian Development Bank attended the meeting by giving online reports.

The opening ceremony of the Conference was presided over by Professor Xiaofeng Xu from School of Economics and Management of UPC, and Dean Peng Zhou delivered the opening speech. Jianping Li, vice chairman of CAS and CSOOPEM, delivered a speech on behalf of the Society. Researcher Shouyang Wang of CAS, and Professor Dabo Guan of Tsinghua University, gave keynote speeches respectively on Global Climate Governance and Energy Finance.

Wang expressed that at present, there are a lot of research on forecasting and trading strategies in the field of energy finance, but few studies on the effective combination of the two. He proposed a new trading strategy model and believed that the research has broad prospects for application.

Guan is committed to building China’s carbon accounting database, aiming to break the monopoly of western countries on climate change data. He introduced the challenges and characteristics of climate change in the post-epidemic era from three aspects: the impact of global epidemic control policies on the economy and industrial chain, the economic recovery and carbon dioxide emissions in the post-epidemic era and the emissions of small countries in the future .

During the Editor Forum, editors of major journals such as Professor Boqiang Lin (editor ofEnergy Economics), Professor Peng Zhou (senior editor ofEnergy Policy), Professor Dayong Zhang (senior editor ofFinance Research Letters), Professor Bin Chen (editor ofEnergy, Ecology and Environment), Professor Jianping Li (executive editor ofChinese Journal of Management Science), and Dengsheng Wu (academic editor ofInnovation), gave explanations and suggestions on topic selection, journal preference and contribution cycle of corresponding journals, and encouraged participants to contribute actively.

During the Conference, the delegates discussed the opportunities and challenges of Global Energy Governance and Energy Finance, totally covering 22 topics which includes climate and carbon finance, economics of climate change, systematic risk modeling of energy market, green technological innovation, green finance and investment, deep decarbonization, energy company finance, sustainable consumption and data-driven energy environment modeling.

A total of 186 papers were submitted to the Conference, and eight of them were awarded Best Paper Award evaluated by the academic committee. Dean Lin of China Institute for Studies in Energy Policy, made a presentation on behalf of the organizer of next ICEF and extended a sincere invitation to the participants.

The Conference provides an academic exchange platform for domestic and foreign scholars in the field of energy finance, creating a good atmosphere for academic exchange and cooperation. Meanwhile, it expands the academic influence of China Universityof Petroleum (East China)in the field of energy economic management.

Translated by Wang Zimeng, Reviewed by Chun Liu

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