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UPC co-hosted the Chinese Session of 15th Global Congress on Process Safety

From March 31 to April 4, 2019 AIChE Spring Meeting and 15th Global Congress on Process Safety was held in New Orleans, Hilton, USA. 3000 experts and scholars attended the meeting.

The Chinese session was co-hosted by China University and Petroleum and China Chemical Safety Association. Lectures were given by Chinese scholars from universities, institutions and enterprises, which has attracted 200 people. They shared different ideas and practice on the topics of the popularization of safety culture in China, the function of AI technology, the challenge and countermeasure of China process safety management. The reports showed the achivements and strength of China process safety.

Global Congress on Process Safety is the biggest and most influential conference on process safety in the world. It is presented by the Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) and the AIChE Safety & Health Division. From its launching in 2005, GCPS has grown into the world's largest gathering of practitioners and researchers from university, institutions and industry and become a great platform to promote the development of process safety.

Updated: 2019-04-10

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