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TU President Brad Carson Visited UPC for Deepening Cooperation

On September 27th, President Brad Carson and Vice President Wang Meng of UniversityofTulsa(TU)visitedUPCand attended the Innovation and Development Conference in Commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of UPC.President,Academician Hao Fang and Vice PresidentDai Caili met with the guests, exchanged ideas, and signed an intercollegiate agreement.

Hao Fang welcomedCarson and his delegation and appreciatedtheir support fortheanniversary celebrationsof our university. He introducedthe development history, educational achievements and featuresof UPC, and emphasizedthatUPCis at a critical stage of development in the new era. He also stressed that we have actively expanded disciplines such as new energy, new materials, high-end chemical engineering,marine science, and information technology,andhoped to further expand education and scientific research cooperation between the twouniversities in energy and sustainable development, and contribute to improvingtheeducationalperformanceof the two universitiesandto promotingpeople-to-people and cultural exchanges between China and the United States.

Carson congratulatedUPCfor its 70th anniversary andwasheartened by its development history and glorious achievements. He introducedthe development history, educational features, as well as the multidisciplinary collaborative development, talent cultivation, and innovative development strategy of TU, expressing that theyhave attached great importance to the partnership withUPCand hoped to conduct more substantive education exchanges and cooperation withUPCin student exchange, talent cultivation, and scientific research in the future.

During themeeting, the twosides exchanged in-depthviews in various aspects and signed an agreement on student exchange program.

Translated: Jiang Shaofei

Reviewed: Xu Xiaoyan

Updated: 2023-09-28

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