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2022 International Artificial Intelligence Summit Held at UPC

How to apply supercomputer technology on smart phones? How to control robots efficiently, reliably and safely? How to make artificial intelligence (AI) technology in a green and low-carbon way...All of these were fully discussed at the 2022 International Artificial Intelligence Summit (Qingdao) & “Belt and Road”Computational Intelligence Frontier Academic Conferenceheld from December 15 to 17.24 experts and scholars (including 21 academicians and 15 experts from the “Belt and Road” countries) in computational intelligence from 17 countries including China, Germany, the UK, Canada, France, India, Poland and Turkey were invited to deliver reports at the conference, to jointly explore the latest progress and future trends in international artificial intelligence.

The conference focused on the latest progress of AI in manufacturing, transportation, healthcare, intelligent grid, smart phones, robotics, computer vision and others, to analyze the information security, ethics, legality, fairness and other challenges brought by the development of AI, and to discuss the trend and countermeasures of it in the future.

Professor Wang Jian, co-chair of the conference and director of the Trans-Media Big Data Laboratory of the College of ScienceinUPC, said: “The conference has showed breakthroughs in theory and application of AI development, such as breaking statistical assumptions of machine learning and achieving assisted healthcare through the interaction of AI and robot control.At the same time, we see more and more researchers gradually paying attention to and trying to solve the privacy, security, energy consumption and other issues brought by AI development.We believe that new trends of AI development will be high efficiency, safety and green in the future.”

The conference has provided a platform for sharing and exchanging ideas at the forefront of international research in AI, contributed to deepening scientific and technological cooperation and exchanges between China andother“Belt and Road” countries, and promotedthe development and innovation of AI and its related fields in academia and industry in China and the “Belt and Road” countries.

Translated: Jiang Shaofei

Reviewed: Xu Xiaoyan


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