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FENG Xiang Granted as Gianni Astarita Young Scholar of ISCRE

    Recently, ISCRE 25 was held in Florence. Eight schoars were honored as Gianni Astarita Young Scholars and FENG Xiang, the associate professor of School of Chemical Engineering, was on the list as the only Asian acdemic. 

     FENG Xiang got the PhD degree in East China University of Science and Technology in 2015 and then promoted as associate professor in China University of Petroleum in 2016. He has engaged into three research lines related to energy and environment: 1) Fuel production based on heavy oil or biomass; 2) Olefin generation and further conversion to fine chemicals; 3) New energy chemistry. To date, he has coordinated more than 10 projects in the past three years. He also published 30 papers in J. Am. Chem. Soc., AIChE J., Chem. Eng. J., ACS Catal., J. Catal. and 16 patents. R

     ISCRE(International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering) is one of the most distinguished conference of chemical engineering. Held biennially, it has covered various fields including dynamics, reactor design, advanced catalytic material, Multiscale simulation. Named after Giovanni Astarita who was professor of Chemical Engineering and  Materials  Science, the award of Gianni Astarita Young Scholar aims at recognizing a young researcher for his/her outstanding research in Chemical Reaction Engineering. 

                                                                                                                        Source: School of Chemical Engineering

                                                                                                                        Updatetime: 2018-06-08

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