Lecture I: Complex System Engineering
Venue: Room 116, Nantang Building
Time: 9:30-11:30,15th, March, 2015
Lecture II: The AltaRica 3.0: An Introduction to a Safety Analyses Language
Venue: Room 206, Nanjiao Building
Time: 9:00-11:30, 16th, March, 2015
Antoine B. Rauzy is now working as the professor of Centrale-Supélec and the director of the Chair Blériot-Fabre (Centrale-Supélec, Safran).Most of his research activity concerns Reliability Engineering and System Safety. Over 100 articles have been published in International Journals and Conferences. He works on algorithms, methods and tools for risk analysis in industrial systems such as aircrafts, nuclear power plants, offshore platforms, cars and trains. He has developed the state-of-the-art Fault Tree assessment tools Aralia (now commercially distributed by Dassault Systemes) and now XFTA. He created and is developing the AltaRica language. AltaRica is an event based, high level formalism dedicated to safety analyses. It has been chosen as the core language of the industrial workbenches Cecilia-OCAS by Dassault Aviation, Simfia V2 by EADS APSYS and Safety Designer by Dassault Systemes.
Editor: Bu Lingduo
Source: UPC News Center