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【Huangdao Forum】Green Development of Energy and Technology Innovation of Oil-gas Engineering

Theme: Green Development of Energy and Technology Innovation of Oil-gas Engineering 

Speaker: Gao Deli, Academician of Chinese Academy of Science

Time: 15:00, May, 6

Venue: Yifu Lecture Hall

Theme: The Development of Creative Thinking 

Speaker: Jin Yong, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering

Time: 9:00, May, 7

Venue: Yifu Lecture Hall

Theme: Future Directions in IEEE: Nurturing new technologies and organizing new communities

Speaker: Jacek M. Zurada 

Time:9:00,may 8

Venue: Yifu Lecture Hall

Prof. Zurada now works in Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at the University of Louisville, Kentucky. His main research contributions include data mining with emphasis on data and feature understanding, rule extraction from semantic and visual information, machine and neural learning, decomposition methods for salient feature extraction, lambda learning rule for neural networks and deep learning. His work  citation has reached over 10,700 times (Google Scholar, 2017). He has published 400 journal and conference papers. He also has authored or co-authored three books, including the pioneering neural networks text “Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems”, and co-edited a number of volumes in Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science.

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