Lecture1: Endeavor for developing new approaches to evaluate materials performance in service)
Time:May 29, 8:30am
Venue: Room 345, Engineering Building D
Speaker: Professor Ben Jar
Introduction: Prof. Ben Jar now works in the mechanical engineering department in university of Alberta. his research field is material evaluation. He is the fellow of CSME.
Lecture2: Guided-Wave Ultrasonography of Long Bones: Data Acquisition, Signal Processing, Simulation, and Inversion)
Time: May 29,10:00am
Venue: Room 345, Engineering Building D
Speaker: Professor Larrence Le
Introduction: Prof. Larrence Le is the fellow of AAPM and CAPM and works as the reviewer of IEEE Access, Annals of Applied Acoustics, Medical Physics, Sensors, Ultrasonics.
Organizer: College of Pipeline and Civil Engineering