The first Qingdao International Students Career and Internship Fair was successfully held at UPC on December 7th. Representatives from 32 employers in Qingdao attended the event, offering over 130 internship and job opportunities covering multiple industries such as energy, education, construction, telecommunications, transportation. Over 500 international students from eight local universities and 60 different countries participated in the fair.

At the fair, afterin-depth and friendly exchanges with those international students, representatives from the participating employers reached intentions on employment or internship with somegraduates among them.

“Through this fair, I experienced the challenges posed by cultural differences in the process of seeking a job, but also saw the unique advantages of international students. I believe that this fair will deepen our understanding of industry, career, and job requirements, and assist with our planning of personal career.” said Anna, a Russianstudent from the School of Humanities and Lawin UPC, who submitted her resume to several employers on-site and expressed her anticipation for working in Qingdao.

“The first Qingdao International Students Careerand Internship Fair was an attempt conducted in the context of the national policy of in-depth opening up,” stated Huang Fang, Dean of the College of International Educationin UPC, “We have always adhered to the concept of ‘empowering national strategies through talent cultivation’ in our internationalization of education, striving to build an internationalized education brand that encompassesa comprehensive guidance system for employment. Next, UPCwill continue to enhance the quality of talent cultivation and strengthen cooperation between the university and local governments and enterprises, local governments as well as enterprises, so as to make greater contributions to building Qingdao into a modern and international metropolis and to serving national strategies.”
Translated: Bai Jinglin
Reviewed: Xu Xiaoyan
Updated: 2024-12-17