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The 42th ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (Asian Region, Qingdao) Held in UPC

     From Nov. 4th to 5th, the 42th ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (Asian Region) was held in China University of Petroleum. In all, 365 teams of 225 universities and 1 middle school from Mainland China, Hong Kong China and North Korea together competed for the qualification of 2018 World Final. 

     The competition was carried out in English. It stipulated that 3 students as a team should use one computer to solve 10 to 13 complicated programming problems within 5 hours. The winners were the teams who accurately solved the most problems by the lest time. Finally there were 36 teams with gold medal, 72 silver medal and 108 bronze medal. The top three teams went to“Legilimens”from Zhejiang University, “SYSU_ Iron”from Sun Yat-sen University and “Squirtle”from Peking University.

     Launched by Association for Computing Machinery in 1970, ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ACM-ICPC)  has been honored as the“Olympics”in IT industry. With the development of 40 years, it has grown into the most influential programming competition in the world. Through the competition, the participants would learn team work and try hard to analyze and solve programming problems in creative ways.

Translator: Wu Yingga

Source: UPC News Center

Updatetime: 2017-11-07

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